Christmas Bag Packing – Fundraising

Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts – We need everyone! purplefleur

This is a major fund raising event for the Group. Please do give it your full support. It is intended that most of the funds raised this year will be spent directly on Beaver, Cub and Scout activities next year during our centenary celebrations.

What’s Involved? There are 24 tills at the new Morrison's Store and we want to be packing shopping into bags at as many tills as possible and for as long as possible.santa-sack

Saturday 16th December – We have divided the day into 2-hour time slots – please tell us the number and times of the slots you can cover, if you are unable to do 2 hrs but available to do 1hr we would still appreciate your help.

Time slots are: 10.30-12.30, 12.30-14.30, 14.30-16.30, 16.30-18.30.

Contact us via the "Contact Us" page (see left), stating when you can help.

What do I need to Know? Smart Uniforms please. Collecting tins can't be rattled, Smile, Be helpful and friendly, and most important of all – have fun and enjoy it!

Thanks for your support.